Upgrading from http to https: Why it is of paramount importance to upgrade your website!
You should also consider your website when looking for ways to secure your business and protect it from harm. These days, your website will be a target, and any security flaws present there will be exploited to the detriment not only of your business but potentially your customers too. That’s why it’s more important than ever that you add an SSL certificate to your website and upgrade to HTTPS. By doing so, you will bring your website up to date and immediately make it more secure for all of the people using it each day.
There are more reasons than you might expect for why you should take this step if you haven’t done so already. To help persuade you that this is worth doing, we’re going to look at the many and varied benefits to your business by adding an SSL certificate to your business’s website. Read on now to find out more.
Use the quick links below to view reasons why you need to upgrade your business website to HTTPS!
Why your Business Website Will Be More Secure If you Upgrade to HTTPS
Perfect for Online Stores That Require Secure Payments
Building trust between you and your customers
Information is Encrypted So Can’t be Compromised
Your Business Will be Made Fit for the Future
You’ll Receive a Small Google Ranking Boost
Why your Business Website Will Be More Secure If you Upgrade to HTTPS
The first thing to mention is that your business will immediately be more secure when you add an SSL certificate to your website. These days, websites are vast parts of businesses, so if a company’s site is not safe, neither is the business behind it. Phishing scams and hackers are real threats, and these things need to be adequately combatted. Don’t assume that these scams won’t impact you in any way.
People aren’t always keen to use websites that don’t have SSL certificates! Why? Because these are the websites that are often used for things like phishing scams. Those scammers won’t obtain SSL certificates, so not having them has become something to be suspicious of. It’s another reason why your business needs to upgrade to HTTPS. Otherwise, people may think your website is scamming or phishing, and you will lose web traffic hand over fist!
Perfect for Online Stores That Require Secure Payments
HTTPS is better than HTTP because these days, people don’t want to enter their vital credit card information into a website that is using an outdated HTTP prefix without SSL certificates. They’re right to be cautious about this because it is far riskier than it needs to be. With SSL certificates in place, your customers will be more secure when making payments.
This is important because you can’t expect your customers to give you their money on your eCommerce platform if it isn’t adequately protected. Anyone selling online honestly and legitimately needs to use SSL certificates on their website. It is as simple as that. Why should your customers need to take risks to buy from you?
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Building trust between you and your customers
It is all about building trust between your business and your customers. If they can see that you have SSL certificates in place and that your website is secured correctly, they will trust your business enough to use its website and buy from you. However, if they see that you have not even gone to the effort of adding SSL certificates, that trust will not develop for many people.
The more your customers trust you and what you’re trying to do, the more they will become committed and loyal customers of your business. So if you care about your customers or the future of your business, you will need to add this extra layer of security to your website sooner rather than later. And there’s no time to waste because this is a pressing matter.
Information is Encrypted So Can’t be Compromised
Whenever information is transmitted over an SSL connection, it’s encrypted. Meaning that the data being sent and received can’t be intercepted and compromised. It’s this that makes the system so safe and secure. It means that hackers will have no way of gaining access to your information and potentially doing illegal things with it—moreover, the same for your customers.
Any business serious about protecting customer data needs to use SSL certificates because they’re the easiest and safest way to use encryption. You don’t have to do anything complicated because it’s all taken care of. Moreover, it brings peace of mind because there’s no way for it to go wrong.
Your Business Will be Made Fit for the Future
When running a business, you always need to have one eye on the future because things change rapidly. Many companies out there ignore future concerns until they can’t ignore them any longer. However, if you want your business to remain successful, you should take steps that make your business ready for what comes next.
Online security threats are already mounting and getting more incredible with each passing month. If you don’t take steps to secure your website today, it will only be a matter of time before you end up putting your business at risk. If you add SSL certificates, your company will be ready to combat future threats and stay safer for longer, so don’t ignore this matter any longer.
You’ll Receive a Small Google Ranking Boost
As well as benefiting from all of the things above, you could also receive a slight SEO boost. When Google is ranking pages, it likes to give priority to those that are safe and secure. That’s understandable because Google doesn’t want to send its customers to websites that are not safe and might cause them harm.
Every business can see the appeal of ranking higher on Google, the biggest and most important of all search engine platforms. So this should be just another reason to add an SSL certificate to your website. You will be able to reach more people, and when they visit your site for the first time, they will find a secure one.
Anything you can do to improve the security of your website and make it more successful from now on should be embraced. Adding an SSL certificate to your site is one of those things, so if you haven’t done so already, now is the time to put that right and take action today. Your website and your business will benefit immediately.