We program custom CMS development projects for our clients

Our CMS development software solutions are built using PHP and MySQL and on a solid CMS framework. If you need a content management system that is scalable, that you own and host and develop exactly to your requirements, then we can help.

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Open Source CMS

Is your CMS open source? In other words, is it WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, Opencart or another system with an Open GL licence? We have carried out numerous WordPress development projects and can create a CMS for you using one of these CMS platforms or adjustments to an existing one.

CMS Platform Development

Do you already have a CMS platform that you use to edit your website? Do you need help with making improvements to it, or do you need help with creating new features for it? We have over 15 years of experience building bespoke PHP CMS modules and updating old code for all types of digital content management systems.

CMS Website Solutions

Are you looking for an off-the-shelf website, or do you require something completely bespoke? At Mediatopia, we have built our own proprietary CMS, which we integrate into our client’s websites; it allows them complete control over functionality. At the same time, we are on hand to scale and support their business.

Different Types of Custom Development We Offer

Software Applications
We create bespoke software for various applications, from direct debit software to bespoke frameworks. We have the experience to program any solution.
E-commerce Advancement
We build e-commerce sites that can be developed using any API or shopping cart application. If you have a custom project, contact us for a no-obligation quote.
Sage Online 50 Integration
We can integrate your e-commerce site with Sage Online 50. Integrating your site with Sage should be a high priority for your business.
Database Augmentation
We have created various databases to support the organization’s internal operations, from library systems to online reservation booking systems to direct debit applications to discussion forums.
3rd Party Applications
Do you need your site to work with other applications, from sales CRMs to multi-channel sales outlets? We have implemented clever tech into many sites, furthering their capabilities.
Open Source Development
We can program any open-source platform; we have experience with WordPress, Joomla, Opencart and Magento, to name a few. All of the open-source work we host and support.

List of Content Management System modules that we can develop into your CMS Platform

Below are all the current features and modules we have developed for WebGuru, our in-house Content Management System (CMS). If the functionality you require is not listed, don’t hesitate to contact our tech department, and we will quote a price for the bespoke work.

This module is used for user authentication. It can be used for several different uses. It can be set up for hidden documents and other sensitive information requiring a username and password to access. This module can also be set up on websites that sell products; it can be configured for customers that frequently purchase from your website and list previous purchases, wishlists, and comparable products, amongst other uses.

Banners are image areas that can be programmed into your website header or sidebar. Banners have a multitude of uses. You can design your banners in-house or use a third-party company or freelancer to create them for you. They can be used to promote products or services and display important information that draws the eye of a web visitor. Furthermore, each banner can be assigned a link (specific URL) which, when clicked, can take the web visitor to another page, category, news article, basically anything on your website, even download a file.

Each news story contains a start date, end date, headline, content, image and SEO elements. The report will be displayed on the site from the start date until the end date, after which it is removed or archived. The front-end module will include an RSS feed.

This can be used for all types of businesses that require some facility for reservations. This includes hotels, guest houses, taxis, restaurants, group activities, and other booking scenarios. We can develop granular control into the system, allowing the functionality to be as bespoke as you want it to be and for the ability to let administrators complete control.

All businesses need to blow their own trumpet and be able to show off their work. Case studies is a module that can be set up to show multiple images. In this area, to write the description and has search engine optimisation tools for internet promotion.

This CMS module allows web visitors to comment on your pages or products when activated. It is also compulsory for users to create an account before being allowed to comment. This a great feedback tool that can help you streamline your website. The system will generate a list of all new customers and their details which can be used for marketing purposes.

This course module was created as a sub-module to the booking system module. Course bookings work in a similar way to shop orders. Courses can be assigned a price, name, date, several sessions, ability to update prices across all sessions, duration of the session, and infinite possibilities. All data can be completely customised depending on the type of course.

Reviews or testimonials are read and left by everyone in today’s modern society. They can make or break a business. We can develop your website to allow you to upload all your client’s reviews about your business. The ability to upload a logo, a title and a description with the name of the person and company who wrote the review.

This module works with the checkout process of an e-commerce website. We have evolved the delivery process to allow customers to create whatever delivery statuses they want. There is the ability to create an infinite pricing matrix for all types of weight, size, class, country and cost.

Most businesses work in bespoke ways, and so do their online shops. Over the past 15 years, we have developed many e-commerce options and can tailor your CMS precisely to your specifications. To name but a few of these features we have developed, product options, product variations, hidden pricing, non-purchasable products, special offers, tax rates, tax exemptions, featured products, related products, product upsells, product images, product files, secure with a deposit, related tags plus much more.

The web elements module is a bespoke area that does not fall into any specific module. It is an area of bespoke functionality that can be set up on the website and then developed to allow clients to manage via their CMS. For example, suppose we created a customised image gallery that didn’t work with an existing module. In that case, we could build it as a web element and then develop it to work to specification, allowing us to be as creative as we want.

Field on the website where customers can leave their email addresses for future email newsletters. Emails are stored in a database, which can be exported to a .csv file and can be uploaded to an email client. This module can also be used in conjunction with 3rd party applications such as Mailchimp to create an automated end to end process.

The events manager module works similarly to the courses module but is a stand-alone module. Events are one-off occurrences. They can be booked and work in harmony with a membership-style business.

This module allows a question and an answer to be written. It is instrumental as it can be used to try and get web results into the featured snippets and has been developed using schema markup. Create numerous questions and answers, and the CMS will create a toggle-style web element that, when closed, shows the title of the question and, when clicked, opens to reveal the answer. (Very similar to what you are looking at now!)

Any file can be uploaded with a title and description. Once added, the files can be re-ordered with a drag-and-drop system or alphabetically by file name. If the Client Login module is enabled, files can be marked as hidden and can only be downloaded if the user is logged in. Files can also be grouped by category; they can be public, private or viewed by certain people.

This is one of our favourite modules. It allows for any form to be built and installed on any page. Each form is responsive and mobile-friendly and works across all types of handheld internet-enabled devices such as tablets and smartphones. You may need a questionnaire or a new quote form. The form builder will make all the necessary code by simply choosing the type of field you want to create, such as a descriptive box or a multi-choice dropdown. You can even create an upload document button and assign an email address to which the forms are emailed.

This CMS module is used for editing and adding images. Image galleries come in all sorts of varieties and types. These image galleries can be carousels or grids and are usually used to visualise a business. Image galleries have several uses on a website and can be inserted after or in the middle of textual content. Image galleries can also be used for business types, such as portfolios for photographers or artists.

This module has various uses but is primarily used for importing and exporting data. Suppose you have a webshop that has hundreds or thousands of products and needs the ability to export data to be uploaded or imported into another system. In that case, this feature will allow for the export of that data. The data is exported or imported as a .csv file. There are many uses for this type of import and export facility. You may need the ability to export sales data or import new stock prices.

This module is used for linking to other businesses. For example, suppose you have a wedding company and subcontract your work to stylists, caterers or wedding planners. In that case, the module will allow you to upload an image, description and link to their business. This helps with search engine optimisation and allows your web visitors to see which other companies you are connected to.

This module has a wide variety of features and works with other modules. Member functions include only specific users accessing certain pages, viewing certain documents, assigning special pricing to products, global member discounts, and a member management system. This module has been used across wholesale and retail websites and booking system-type website projects.

The multi-currency module works harmoniously with shopping-style websites with a checkout facility. This module updates the delivery and product modules, allowing delivery prices and products to be shown in the relevant currency.

The news module works the same way as a blog. It is developed using RSS technology and will rank on Google the same as any WordPress blog post. News stories can be uploaded with the main image, a headline and a description and can be set to be shown in the future and archived automatically. News can be grouped into categories or can be single items.

Every CMS has a WYSIWYG or what you see is what you get, which is an HTML or rich-text editor. Adding a WYSIWYG to your platform allows you to add media to a web page. Usually, an editor will have a media library to save all your files, videos and images. We can create a customised editor with a plethora of functionality that will enable you to be creative with your web pages. Features include adding videos, spellcheck, saving as PDF, print page, adding links, basically any content creation you want the ability to do. We can help create.

We created this module to pimp up your internal/landing page design. In the old days, when adding text to a page, the only text would wrap around an image, and it didn’t prove easy to be creative. Our websites have beautiful-looking landing pages instead of just a pretty home page. Shortcodes allow the user to copy a pre-templated code to the editor’s page. For example, you may want to show your content in an accordion or as tabbed headings – without HTML knowledge, how would you create an accordion? The answer is you wouldn’t, but with a shortcode, you paste the code in the editor and amend the text.

Having made over 3000 websites, we have created a multitude of different slideshows for websites. A slideshow is the page’s main banner, which tends to have images used to market various services of your business. A slideshow can be made up of text, videos, links or static images. They can be full-width, full-screen or smaller, depending on your website’s style. If you need help with an existing slideshow or want one to be created, get in touch, as our rates are very reasonable.

When presenting a catalogue of products on your website, you need to be able to amend these products. Do you need to showcase some of your products on your homepage or add image alt tags for SEO? You may want to show prices for some products but not for others. Some products may be purchasable, others aren’t, and some may be VAT exempt. At Mediatopia, we have seen it all and programmed every product feature you can consider into a CMS website. From simple product pollination into multiple categories to exporting product data into accounting systems. If you need more functionality for your website, fill out one of our forms for a quick quote.

Do you want the ability for your web visitors to be able to select a variety of different options when selecting a product, e.g. product sizes, colours or variations? What about product upsells, or purchase another product at a discounted rate or assigning a PDF of instructions with a product? If you need clever functionality implemented into your website, then we may be able to help.

Do you have the ability to market your website using search engine marketing tools? Are you able to create custom descriptions or page titles using your CMS? One of our specialities at Mediatopia is search engine optimisation and being able to program your website with all the necessary administration tools that will help you get your website indexed correctly by search engines. Can you add alt tags to your images, implement schema markup, add reviews or even create articles using a blogging system? We can develop custom-developed modules to further your platform and allow you to get more sales online.

When your web visitors purchase on your website, do you have an admin panel that lets you sort your orders into categories? Can you assign your orders with different tags to make admin tasks easier? We have made several custom admin panels that integrate with your CMS and your accounts system to have an end-to-end solution that streamlines your business and makes running it very simple. We can create branded reply emails, integrate postcode lookups or add courier company tracking. You tell us what you need, and then we will give you a quote for the work intended.

The bulk stock management extension gives you a new interface that lists your products and variations along with their stock properties. Products can be filtered by product type, stock management status and stock status, and ordered by name, ID, SKU or stock quantity. Via the input field, you can easily set the stock quantity for multiple products at once. There are bulk actions for assessing the stock status too.

Choose which CMS web platform you would like us to design your website with.

Do you prefer which platform we use to build your site? Or please tell us what you are trying to achieve and your level of technical comprehension, and we will advise you accordingly.

Magento is an open-source eCommerce platform built on a PHP framework. It is used for online retailers and is a scalable shopping portal.
WordPress is an open-source content management system built in PHP and uses a MySQL database, built with plugins and made with themes or templates.
Presta Shop
Presta Shop
Presta Shop is a PHP eCommerce shopping cart platform that supports MySQL. A good framework that integrates with lots of 3rd party software.
Laravel is a PHP framework. It allows developers to build applications with optimized web features.
Shopify is a proprietary-based eCommerce platform. It is a website builder that suits all retail shops.
OpenCart is an online store management system. It uses PHP, MySQL and HTML components.